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---- MEDIA --- NEWS ---------

11-11-19: Lupron Victims Hub provides testimonial on history and risks of Lupron to Kelsey Coalition.

10-24-19: Ex-nurse at Britain's top gender clinic speaks out over 'experimental' puberty blocking treatment.

10-24-19: Texas to open investigation into the James Younger case.

10-23-19: Texas Rep. Chip Roy writes letters to Attorney General Barr and Directors of ONDCP and NIH calling for research on gender dysphoria 'treatment'.

10-11-19: "Camille Paglia - Using Puberty Blockers on children 'is a crime against humanity'"

(Flashback 10-04-12 - Medical Boards call "[Lupron] for children with autism 'dangerous, abusive, and exploitive'" ... Flashback 03-15-17 - Lynne Millican points out "Lupron's use in children (period) is dangerous, abusive, and exploitive.")

10-08-19: Swedish Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Sven Roman... At least 60% of teenagers with gender dysphoria are treated. "Immediately stop all treatment of gender dysphoria". (Posted under "Will Malone, MD")

10-02-19: "FDA: Thousands of Deaths Linked to Puberty Blocker [Lupron]" by Dr. Susan Berry

09-27-19: Kelsey Coalition launches 'First, Do No Harm Campaign'. Please consider participating in their 'Take Action' campaign.

09-19-19: "Why Thousands of Women Are Swapping [Lupron] For Cannabis", by Diana-Ashley Krach

09-25-19: LupronVictimsHub sends inquiry to FDA about its silence on the apparent fraudulent data and altered outcomes it relied upon in its 1990 approval of Lupron Depot 3.75 mgs. (FDA responded, stating a review was currently underway and a reply would be forthcoming following this review.)

07-20-19: Lupron Victims Hub provides comment in 'Call to Action' petition to US Surgeon General Adams

07-18-19: ... The Kelsey Coalition is delivering a petition to the Surgeon General next week - please consider signing this Petition, which begins: "We are alerting you to the harmful hormonal and irreversible surgical interventions that are being performed on gender-nonconforming children without one single long-term study to support their safety or efficacy. We request your examination of this urgent matter and consideration of a Call to Action."

05-07-19: "Dr. Friedman admitted that he had falsified and fabricated approximately 80% of the data in [Lupron] research reports" (Blog by Katie Boyce)

(09-19-16: The Unmasking of Dr. Andrew Friedman - Excerpt from 'Trial by Fire', by Mike Burg)

04-06-19: Calgary Journal - "Endometriosis and Lupron: What women need to know about a controversial drug mired in lawsuits"

04-05-19: Kelsey Coalition - "Investigate Unethical [transgender/ GnRHa] NIH Study". (Read more information here...)

04-11-19: (news/video) Re: Orilissa - "Negative Twitter Review May Have Denied Patient Care at Iowa Clinic". (See also here.)

02-11-19: See Las Vegas ABC KTNV's Lupron Story Preview (part 9). Las Vegas KTNV reporter Darcy Spears does another follow-up lupron investigation (part 10 - see at right, below, for links to parts 1-8): "More women come forward with complaints about Lupron's side effects."

(Note that KTNV's tally of FDA's Lupron Adverse Events is not inclusive of all Lupron / leuprolide formulations - see AERS page for a more conclusive tally.)

01-24-19: San Diego ABC's 'Team 10 Investigates': investigative reporter Jennifer Kastner does a story -- "San Diego women speak out about highly controversial drug injection". Kastner reports: "The women we spoke with report lasting side effects like joint pain ... [one woman was] the only one in the group who has not taken Lupron. She said she declined it after reading up on the startling potential side effects ...".

(Note that "Team 10's" tally of FDA's Lupron Adverse Events is not inclusive of all Lupron / leuprolide formulations - see AERS page for a more conclusive tally.)


12-14-18: "Why Puberty Blockers Are A Clear Danger To Children's Health", by Attorney Jane Robbins

10-30-18: ... Follow-up story (Part 3) aired on WSB-TV in Georgia (with discussion at WSB-TV's Facebook community page). This follow-up is to WSB-TV's 10-29-18 Part 1 story on Lupron. Also on 10-29-18, WSB-TV carried Part 2; a story on AbbVie's first oral GnRH antagonist, Orilissa, which also included additional coverage of Lupron.

April 2018: Study - Lupron in Adolescent Endometriosis: the majority of subjects reported "long-term side effects extending beyond GnRHa use, while almost 1/3 reported irreversible side effects that persisted for years after discontinuing treatment."

Spring 2017, The New Atlantis: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria, by P.W. Hruz, L.S. Mayer, P.R. McHugh 6-part series on Lupron (by Lynne Millican), with a focus on the pediatric population:

03-01-17 - Part 1: Lupron for Precocious Puberty - Parents and Patients Speak Out

03-09-17 - Part 2: Lupron for Precocious Puberty and Beyond - Two Decades of Regulatory Silence

03-15-17 - Part 3: Lupron and Reproductive Injury

04-05-17 - Part 4: How Long Does Lupron or Its Metabolites Circulate? No One Really Knows.

04-18-17 - Part 5: The Lupron Money Trail

05-31-17 - Part 6: They Say Lupron is Safe

02-06-17: Lupron: Deja vu all over again, by Alice Dreger

02-03-17: New Report describes dangers of giving Lupron to kids, by Amy Martyn

02-02-17: The FDA is "currently conducting a specific review of nervous system and psychiatric events [and "reviewing deadly seizures"] in association with the use of GnRH agonists, including Lupron, in pediatric patients." ... [and] ... A 1993 FDA Official was "troubled by the 2 studies he reviewed [for Lupron / precocious puberty, one study a "free-for-all"]" and said it was ""regrettable" that the [FDA] panel approved the drug after minimal study." (stated during the investigation by Christina Jewett / Kaiser Health News / Reveal.)

02-02-17: "Women say [Lupron rec'd as a child] to halt puberty has ruined their lives" by Christina Jewett.

01-23-17: "Drop in IQ of about 8 points" seen in small study of girls with precocious puberty treated with GnRHas, by Peter Hayes

11-12-16: A Call to Protect the Health of Women Who Donate Their Eggs, by Dr. Timothy Johnson & Judy Norsigian (reprint in NWHN Newsletter)

May-June 2016: "Side effects of GnRHas [in children], including reduced IQ, have not been properly addressed ... and the rights of the girls are not recognized." by Peter Hayes (See 5 minute slide presentation at latter link)

Nov. 2001 Study - "IQ levels decreased significantly during GnRHa" treatment for early puberty in children

January 2017: Spatial memory impaired by GnRHa in peripubertal Sheep - another sheep/GnRHa study found a reduction in long-term spatial memory persisting after discontinuation of GnRHa

12-02-16: "Women in India Suffer as They Serve as Surrogates" by Julie Bindel

09-01-16: Lupron Side Effects Survey Results: Part One by Chandler Marrs, PhD

08-09-16: Nightmare on Lupron Street, by Lynne Millican, RN. For additional information, see also 'Decades-Long Universal Disregard of NIOSH Precautions in the Handling, Preparing, and Administering the "Hazardous Drug" Lupron''

March 2016: ... Harvard / Brigham & Women's Hospital ScDs published an article (in the journal 'Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes') based on 'Nurses' Health Study II' data associating endometriosis with an increased risk of coronary heart disease - however Lupron/GnRHa use was NOT factored into data/conclusions. See the article and Lynne Millican's comment, published April 26, 2016: "Article's conclusions seriously flawed without data on Lupron/GnRHa use" . The authors' reply to Millican's comment contained seriously inaccurate information on Lupron and erroneous conclusions about Lupron's use (see authors' May 11, 2016 response). Subsequently, Millican submitted a detailed, corrective comment to the journal on May 26, 2016, however the journal has apparently declined to publish these corrections (in essence, imo, censoring correct information). Therefore Millican's corrective censored comment is being published here fyi.

03-28-16: A call for Protecting the Health of women who donate their eggs by Dr. Timothy Johnson & Judy Norsigian

01-20-16: Lupron, Thyroid Disease, and the Broken Scales of Justice by Lynne Millican, RN

10-28-15: "I Donated My Eggs and I Regret It" by Alana Newman

01-20-15: What are 'The Connections' between (Brittany) Maynard, egg donations, Lupron & gliobastomas ? by Jennifer Lahl, RN

01-16-15: Chandler Marrs, PhD ( "[I]t doesn't take a genius to figure out that if we kill off one or more hormones completely, as Lupron does with estradiol, there are going to be negative effects globally, and they are likely to be pretty serious." (paper delineates adverse effects upon mitochondria from Lupron [and other GnRHa/relins, and ovary removal]). See also 1-19-15 comment by Lynne Millican, detailing disturbing information on Lupron's mechanism(s) of action.

09-24-14: A blog by Dr. David Healy explores "When is a drug guilty?" . (see also comment posted 9-26-14 by Lynne Millican). Dr. Healy's blog pertains to the following 09-18-14 article ...:

09-18-14: Lupron - Homicide of a Husband

07-24-14: North Carolina's ABC News I-Team investigates Lupron. See also information posted after the transcript of this story, in "Comments" section: ... "What Dr. Price doesn't tell his patients about Lupron ..." by Lynne Millican

05-21-14: 'From Lupron Victim to Victims' Advocate' - re: 'Lupron Victims Hub'

05-02-14: Hidden Clinical Trial Data about Lupron (for endometriosis)

04-17-14: Chicago's "The Reporter"- column by Dee Brown: "Some more Lupron horror stories" (Part 2)

04-03-14: Chicago's "The Reporter"- column by Dee Brown: "It would be smart to leave this Depot" (Part 1)

02-18-14: "Lupron: a Nightmare produced in AbbVie" (Part 1)

10-24-13: ABC News Las Vegas KTNV airs coverage of Karin Klein's case. See also here.

10-11-13: Listen to 1st Radio Interview of Karin Klein by Rose Colombo (founder, 'The Justice Club' at Freedomizer Radio Online). Klein had November 2013 deadline for Amicus support for US Supreme Court petition. Hear Karin's 2nd Radio Interview on 10-16-13.

10-25-13: Radio interview of Lynne Millican by Rose Columbo ('The Justice Club')

06-19-13: HuffPost: "Lupron ..."

09-23-11: USA v. Ulysses Currie, et al, US District Court, District of Maryland. Criminal case No. 1:10-cr-00532-RDB -- State Senator Ulysses Currie (prescribed Lupron for prostate cancer), when facing charges including bribery, extortion, and making false statements to the FBI, Senator claims lupron made him feel "fuzzy". (Brain "mass" also detected during lupron 'treatment'). ... 10-26-11: Senator Ulyssess Currie's urologist testified Lupron "has side effects that include forgetfulness and loss of reasoning ability." ... 10-26-11: Senator's defense made the claim that the Senator's "memory and mental capacity has been diminished by injections of a drug called Lupron". ... 10-25-11: Senator's urologist testified that Senator's "mental acuity does seem to have decreased some" ... "about 25 - 30% of [urologist's] patients on Lupron experience some cognitive effects. They forget things ... they get lost driving somewhere they would never be lost before." Urologist states "it was hard to get [Senator] to understand. You had to say things more than once." ... On 11-08-11 the Senator was "acquitted of all charges. Senator's attorneys paint[ed] a portrait of a man who was disorganized, sloppy ... prone to memory lapses, in part because of side effects of [lupron]."

12-23-10: Plaintiffs in lupron litigation ignored, research into lupron victims ignored - Judge awards $11.7 million surplus lupron settlement funds to Harvard prostate cancer researchers.

12-07-10: "Deprived of the Lupron [kickback] profits, some urologists' income declined by as much as one-half" (WSJ story describes profits of a new prostate cancer treatment, and lupron is barely mentioned)

11-18-10: Brief Review - 2 Florida urologists' black market diversion & Medicare fraud re: lupron

11-16-10: Judge orders dispersement of surplus lupron Class Settlement Funds - First Cy Press Payments to Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center ($4,000,000) (Note: the plaintiffs who were awarded the settlement funds are NOT being given the surplus funds)

11-14-10: Stem cells - In one niche, the risk to women is too great (lupron)

11-10-10: Long-term GnRHa's (lupron,leuprolide) for prostate cancer is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer

10-20-10: FDA orders label change - Warnings - for lupron, GnRHa's

06-28-10: Drug used for endometriosis and prostate cancer linked with misery for patients (yet another attorney ad)

03-23-10: Chicago Trib journalists honored for autism [lupron] series

03-14-10: "... No long-term studies on women who've taken Lupron" ... "Where are the investigative journalists?"

03-06-10: 'Lawyers and" - "Lupron: Do the Risks Outweigh the Benefits?"

Women's Health Resource: Lupron Pros & Cons

Leftover millions from Lupron settlement may go to Harvard

Business Report: Harvard may get leftover millions

Abbott finds new Lupron niche with RFID

LuproLink - Lupron Depot goes RFID

Abbott 2008 Fourth Quarter Report: "Lupron Sales Decreased [at least] 2.1% internationally"

2-09-09: "Guilty Plea Likely in Hub Fertility Drug Case"

1-09: Among cancer outpatients, leuprolide med errors common

National Women's Health Network's Nov/Dec 2008 Cover Story - Lupron: What Does It Do To Women's Health?

12-08: Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption - NY Review of Books (Lupron billing fraud mentioned)

11-08: Medicare must pay for Lupron, and not least costly alternative

08-08-08 Forum: 'Selling Eggs for Research' (2 pages, with several comments about lupron)

12-12-06: UK IVF - tracking women who take lupron is "surely essential"

03-14-05: "The Dark Side of [lupron] Whistleblowing"

February 2004: Oprah magazine - "Is This Anyway To Have A Baby? by Barbara Seaman

2002 - 2003 Nicholas Regush's Lupron Series

Dr. Mercola's comment to Regush articles: "Lupron is a disaster drug ... absolutely devestates many women's lives ... this drug causes permanent neurological damage. This drug needs to be avoided at all costs."

05-22-03 - Roslindale & West Roxbury (Mass.) Transcripts: 'Local crusader wants to make sure no one forced to swollow a bitter pill' by Candi Carter

2003: FDA Fines South Carolina Red Cross $2000 for failure to defer donor due to donor taking lupron

11-09-02 - Boston Globe: "Drug sale said tied to favors at Lahey" by Shelley Murphy

OBOS '02: Concerns about Lupron

03-03-00 - BostonTAB 'Are Fertility drugs safe? ... Lupron remains controversial', by Don Seiffert

01-02-2000 - Dateline TV: "The Painful Truth"

05-24-99 - FOX News TV: "Risk or Remedy?

11-29-99 - FOX News TV: "Dangers of Lupron"

Boston Herald's (3) Lupron stories:

#1: ... 08-22-99: Medical miracle turns nightmare

#2: ... 08-23-99: "Women seek answers in drug's suspected side effects"

#3: ... 08-24-99: "Women outraged over drug's ill effects"

06-15-98 Letter to Editor, Boston Herald, re: Lupron Fraud, Conflict$ of Interest

October 1996: 'BayState Nurse', Letter to Editor: On solicitation of surrogate carriers, by Lynne Millican RN

08-04-96 Boston Globe, page 1: "What Price Pregnancy - The Painful Quest for Fertility", Part 1, by Dolores Kong

08-05-96 Boston Globe, page 1: "What Price Pregnancy" - Part 2, by Dolores Kong

08-04-96 Boston Globe: RESOLVE receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from fertility drug companies (Note: link removed - screenshot can be seen here)

04-25-95 'The Mass Media', Commentary: "Hidden truths behind surrogacy" by Lynne Millican

07-25-95 - West Roxbury (Mass). Transcript: "Two local women push for regulation on fertility clinics" by Shawn Michael Smith

08-16-95 - Letter to West Roxbury Transcript Editor: "Fertility clinics need regulation"

06-23-96 Letter to Boston Globe Editor: ‘Eggsploitation'

02-21-95 Letter to Boston Herald Editor: ‘Fertility Drugs Can Cause Harm'

08-07-94 Letter to Boston Herald Editor: ‘Silent Risks of Reproductive Technologies'





This page identifies instances in which lupron and/or its manufacturer is discussed in newspaper stories, magazine articles, TV news or shows, or in articles, blogs, stories and posts on the internet. The majority of these stories discuss the risks of Lupron. Instances of the censoring of Lupron information will also be included here.



12-12-19 ... CALL TO ACTION for Lupron Victims:

Today, more than at any other time in the past, a variety of sources are exerting noteworthy pressure upon a number of governmental agencies concerning the risks of Lupron, which should have the effect of putting Lupron into a focus it has managed to evade up till now. Therefore, it has become vitally important for Lupron victims to report their adverse events to the FDA so that a more comprehensive picture of Lupron's damage can become evident. (It would also be very helpful for Lupron / GnRHa victims to participate in the "Post-Drug Syndrome Survey - further discussed below.)

Historically only 1% to 10% of adverse events are ever reported to the FDA (see page 6 here). Thus, it can be assumed the number of Lupron adverse events reported to FDA have been woefully inadequate, and are *not* a true representation of the actual number of affected individuals nor of the extent of adverse effects. But you can change this situation by filing a MedWatch Report. It is not necessary to have a physician or nurse file a report -- anyone can report their own adverse effects directly to the FDA. And if you have filed a report in the past but since then have developed new symptoms and/or diseases, you can file another MedWatch Report to provide those additional developments.

In light of the pressures being brought to bear to expose Lupron's risks, now is the time to demonstrate by more authentic numbers the real-life horrific effects of Lupron. Here is an elaboration of some of these 'pressures' (and see links in Left column for further information on these 2019 stories):

---- Dr. David Redwine is 'cobbling' some 'things' together (see "Watch for Developments", below). And in Dr. Redwine's Nov. 25, 2019 Facebook post "WHAT CAN PATIENTS DO TO HELP WITH THE LUPRON ISSUE?", he initiated this renewed call for Lupron victims to file a MedWatch report. Dr. Redwine's Nov. 25th post also states the following:

"Also [in addition to filing a MedWatch report], it would be appropriate to inform your elected federal Congresspersons and Senators of your concerns and that early (1980's) evidence of damage to ovarian function was hidden from physicians. Feel free to send the link to my Facebook review [It goes into scientific details about damage to ovarian function that was kept secret --]. Current reports of adverse events will merge with an unseen, oncoming rising tide and help float the boat. Contributions from patients experiencing long-term problems are very important."

---- Lupron Victims Hub sent an inquiry to FDA in September, requesting the FDA address the issue of FDA's 1990 approval of Lupron Depot 3.75 mg being based upon its review of clinical trial data which contained fraudulent data and altered outcomes.

---- The Kelsey Coalition (a group of parents concerned with the risks of Lupron/GnRHas, testosterone, estrogen, and sex-reassignment surgery in the transgender population) has petitioned the Surgeon General to take action; has called for an investigation into the "unethical" NIH GnRHa study in the transgender population; and has called for a moratorium of the study with the Office for Human Research Protections. They have also launched their 'First, Do No Harm Campaign' to educate medical professionals on the risks of 'treatment'.

---- Texas Rep. Chip Roy has requested the Attorney General and the Directors of the NIH and the Office of National Drug Control Policy "conduct a federal study on individuals who undergo ... hormone treatment before the age of 18."

---- The governor of Texas has called for an investigation into the Younger case.

---- Continued media coverage (internet stories & TV coverage) of Lupron's negative effects.

---- Plaintiff Terry Paulsen survived several motions to dismiss her case, and so she continues forward with her protracted litigation v. Abbott and AbbVie. Terry's case and Lupron's negative effects have been featured on Atlanta, Georgia's WSB-TV News, which also started a Facebook page. Within 24 hours of the news story, the station had heard from hundreds of women throughout the country reporting negative effects from Lupron. (See below for links.)

---- Numerous Facebook 'Lupron Victim Groups' flourish, all detailing horrific stories and all calling for action and acknowledgment of Lupron's adverse effects.

---- A multi-drug "Post-Drug Syndrome Survey" was launched this year by, and Lupron/GnRHas are among the drugs being surveyed. Data is still being collected, therefore this study's final results remain pending. Regrettably, there have been very few Lupron participants in this survey, and so no data can be as yet analyzed. I would urge participation in this survey so that data can be collected. For further background and information on this survey, see here and here. A considerable number of people who've experienced health problems following the use of antidepressants, finasteride, and isotretinoin have participated in this survey, and I would encourage lupron victims to view the data generated by their participation (see here). It could be very helpful if Lupron victims were also able to demonstrate quantifiable data such as this.

And concerning MedWatch reports, consider the following:

Think about the numbers of Lupron victims that have been identified since the 1980s, within lawsuits, within the many now-defunct internet message boards and groups, and in the multitudes of print and televised coverage - and then add to this volume today's magnitude where Lupron victims post their stories in the full spectrum of social media platforms, and in the many internet stories, and in medication and drug review websites, and in various petitions, and in legal and pharmaceutical forum postings, etc.

If every internet poster who has ever written a message about their adverse Lupron experience were to also file a MedWatch report, the FDA would be overwhelmed by a staggering number of reports. Any subsequent attempt to ignore, deny or diminish Lupron's negative effects would become difficult in light of such a flood of adverse event reports. And if this should be coupled with participation by Lupron victims in the multi-drug "Post-Drug Syndrome Survey", our 'case' for the need for acknowledgment and medicolegal advocacy would become self evdent.

Please try to help make this happen. As Dr. Redwine said "Contributions from patients experiencing long-term problems are very important."

Thank you.

MedWatch Form ... "Post-Drug Syndrome Survey"



Watch for developments on David Redwine MD's Facebook page.

For example, Dr. Redwine's Nov. 17,2019 post:

"FRAUD IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUPRON? ... (discussing Lupron Study M84-042):

"Estradiol levels were checked in 8 patients at one year after stopping Lupron. Ignoring for a moment that 8 patients is a very small number, the estradiol levels at ONE YEAR after stopping Lupron were lower than baseline in 88% of patients ... One patient had an estradiol level of 28 which is essentially menopausal. ...

These 8 patients [] constitute the only evidence that estrogen levels were checked by the manufacturer long after Lupron was discontinued that I found in my review of thousands of pages of in-house studies. 8 patients hidden deep in the data but not discussed in the medical journal publication coming out of that in-house study. 8 patients with objective laboratory evidence suggesting long-term ovarian dysfunction in a substantial fraction of patients exposed to the drug. 8 patients whose estradiol decline should have been a sign to get more information on what happens to ovarian function long after Lupron. I suspect that there is more evidence about estradiol that was not produced in discovery during Klein v Abbott. ...

For 30 years the manufacturer of Lupron has hidden the facts that Lupron therapy is followed by ovarian dysfunction or ovarian failure in a substantial fraction of those receiving it and that it has no evidence in thousands of pages of in-house studies that ovarian function recovers in that fraction. Physicians are unaware of this fact and so cannot obtain informed consent from any patient for this reason." 





WSB-TV, Atlanta, Georgia's 'Channel 2, Action News':

10-29-18: Part 1 - 5 pm ... 'Action News' investigates Lupron (also posted on YouTube)

10-29-18: Part 2 - 6 pm ... 'Action News' investigates Orilissa (with more Lupron coverage)

10-30-18: Part 3 - 5 pm ... 'Action News' investigates Lupron

Within 24 hours, WSB-TV had heard from hundreds of women throughout the country reporting negative effects from Lupron.

To summarize these 3 stories, the series began with Terry Paulsen, her disability and her current lawsuit, along with interviews of Terry's legal counsel, a medical expert, and another Lupron victim. Brooklyn Harbin, formerly athletic, described her back pain and how she needed a wheelchair in the 5th grade after taking Lupron for precocious puberty.

The follow-up 10-30-18 story (Part 3) interviewed 2 women - one who reported experiencing no negative effects ("maybe I was lucky"), and another woman, Sheila Reed, reported that since her Lupron injection 4 months ago she has had no feeling in her legs, is unable to walk, has slurred speech, a clenched hand, and her mouth droops at times. Sheila said "Had a shot and can't walk."

All who have suffered from exposure to this drug are encouraged to watch Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, and to consider commenting at the TV station's Facebook page on how Lupron has affected you and your life.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-part series on Lupron (focus on pediatric population):

03-01-17 - Part 1: Lupron for Precocious Puberty - Parents and Patients Speak Out

03-09-17 - Part 2: Lupron for Precocious Puberty and Beyond - Two Decades of Regulatory Silence

03-15-17 - Part 3: Lupron and Reproductive Injury

04-05-17 - Part 4: How Long Does Lupron or Its Metabolites Circulate? No One Really Knows.

04-18-17 - Part 5: The Lupron Money Trail

05-31-17 - Part 6: They Say Lupron is Safe


ABC Las Vegas KTNV 9-part lupron Series:

10-30-09: Part 1 ... Lupron - "Overpriced Poison?"

11-09: Part 2 ... Lupron - "Overpriced Poison?"

12-02-09: Part 3 ... The case for recalling Lupron : transcript Part 3 - The case for recalling Lupron

06-22-10: Part 4 ... 'FDA Reviewing Safety of Lupron Depot'

08-01-11: Part 5 ... Trial for 'Overpriced Poison' Lupron begins in federal court

08-10-11: Part 6 ... Lupron verdict in Las Vegas trial deals blow to victims

08-12-11: Part 7 ... Lupron Trial - Plaintiff Outraged by Severe Injustice

10-24-13: Part 8 ... AMICUS Needed at US Supreme Court

02-11-19: Part 9 ... Lupron Story Preview

02-11-19: Part 10 ... More women come forward with complaints about Lupron's side effects



'REDFLAGES Weekly' 7-part investigation of lupron, by Nicholas Regush

1.  January 19, 2002.  Lynne’s Story: A Preamble to RFW’s Lupron Investigation

2. January 26, 2002. Living Hell: Women Speak Out About Lupron.

3.  February 2, 2002.  False Promises, Ignorance And Fast-Paced Medicine. A Doctor Speaks Out Against Lupron.

4.  February 2, 2002. Are Persistent Lupron-Related Side-Effects Due To A Malfunctioning Pituitary Gland?

5.  March 11, 2002. Where’s The Science?  Lupron, Infertility, And Women As Guinea Pigs.

6.  April 10, 2002.  Lupron And Fertility Treatment:  One Woman’s Agonizing Odyssey.

7.  May 17, 2003. The Lupron Story.  RFD [RedFlagsDaily] Report.  (special thanks to Barbara Lewis and for permission to reprint this RFD Report)


Boston FOX 25 TV News' 1999 2-part investigation of lupron:

05-24-99: "Risk or Remedy?" Part 1 (transcript)

11-29-99: "Dangers of Lupron" Part 2 (summary)


See Photo of March 1999 anti-lupron rally in Boston.


Boston Herald's 3-part lupron investigative reports:

08-22-99: Medical miracle turns nightmare

08-23-99: "Women seek answers in drug's suspected side effects"

08-24-99: "Women outraged over drug's ill effects"


Boston Globe's 2-part fertility treatment investigation (involving lupron):

08-04-96: Boston Globe, page 1: "What Price Pregnancy - The Painful Quest for Fertility", Part 1, by Dolores Kong

08-05-96: Boston Globe, page 1: "What Price Pregnancy" - Part 2, by Dolores Kong

08-04-96 Boston Globe: RESOLVE receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from fertility drug companies (Note: link removed - screenshot can be seen here)



TAKE NOTE of investigative journalist Sharyl Attkinsson's generalized statements:

Attkinsson said "it is more and more difficult for investigative reporters to get their stories published or on the air because of the trouble it may cause." (03-21-14)

And in her new book "Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington", Sharyl Attkinsson states: "Congress has gotten in some respects like some in the media, where according to members themselves and their staff, there is not the appetite to do the hard-nosed investigations and oversight that they used to do." (11-06-14)






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