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07-16-16: Did you receive your Lupron injection by a gowned, gloved, and goggled healthcare worker? 'Universal Disregard of NIOSH Precautions During Handling, Preparing, and Administering the "hazardous drug" Lupron/leuprolide', by Lynne Millican.

March 2016 ... Harvard / Brigham & Women's Hospital ScDs published an article (in the journal 'Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes') based on 'Nurses' Health Study II' data associating endometriosis with an increased risk of coronary heart disease - however Lupron/GnRHa use was NOT factored into data/conclusions. See Lynne Millican's comment, published April 26, 2016: "Article's conclusions seriously flawed without data on Lupron/GnRHa use" . The authors' reply to Millican's comment contained seriously inaccurate information on Lupron and erroneous conclusions about Lupron's use (see authors' May 11, 2016 response). Subsequently, Millican submitted a detailed, corrective comment to the journal on May 26, 2016, however the journal has apparently declined to publish these corrections (in essence, imo, censoring correct information). Therefore Millican's corrective censored comment is being published here fyi.

01-20-16: Lupron, Thyroid Disease, and the Broken Scales of Justice by Lynne Millican, RN.

11-15-14: Lupron Victims Hub provides an 'Open Response' to the World Health Organization's (WHO), citing multiple instances of fraudulent Lupron data. WHO had recently requested public comment on its 'Draft Statement on Public Disclosure of Clinical Trials Results'.

11-29-13: Lupron Victims Hub provides Amicus Curiae Brief to US Supreme Court in Support of Karin Klein And Others Similarly Situated (re: Klein v. TAP/Abbott)

Millican's '05 Public Comment to FDA re: risks of leuprolide's use as 'tool' on healthy children

LupronSUQS - "Serious UNANSWERED QuestionS"

USA Draft Document - information on health risks of lupron presented to Assistant US Attorney during the US investigation of the kickbacks, bribes, and price inflations of lupron.

Millican's 3-27-03 written Congressional Testimony re: risks of lupron & ART/IVF (Assisted Reproductive Technologies / In Vitro Fertilitzation)

Millican 3-27-03 oral Congressional Testimony re: risks of lupron & ART

Millican's 4-02 Testimony for Senate HELP Committee Briefing on risks of lupron & superovulation/cloning

Millican's 9-04-01 Comment to HELP Committee on ESCR (embryonic stem cell research, which employes lupron/GnRHa's)

Gena Corea's Testimony for Millican's 1997 Medical Malpractice Tribunal

Relevant portions of Millican's 1998 brief in appeal to MA. Supreme Judicial Court

Millican's Read for Our Bodies Our Selves (OBOS) 1996 Update in ART chapter

Millican's 11-22-06 Comment to UK ESCR Forum


Massachusetts (MA.) Bill & Millican Testimonies in support of this Bill. The Bill would have, among others, mandated written informed consent of the risks of lupron (and other fertility drugs) within the fertility clinic setting. The testimonies discuss the need for the bill and detail lupron's risks in ART. The Bill eventually died in 1999.

MA. House #5050 - An Act Relative to the Treatment of Infertility (co-drafted by Lynne Millican and another in 1992).

MA. 1992 Testimony

MA. 1993 Testimony

MA. 1994 Testimony

MA. 1995 Testimony

MA. 1996 Testimony

MA. 1997 Testimony

MA. 1998 Testimony

MA. 1999 Testimony



09-25-19: LupronVictimsHub sends inquiry to FDA about its silence on the apparent fraudulent data and altered outcomes it relied upon in its 1990 approval of Lupron Depot 3.75 mgs. (FDA responded, stating a review was currently underway and a reply would be forthcoming following this review.)

09-17-09 Letter to FDA Commissioner Hamburg requesting an investigation into lupron and removal from market. *** See lawsuit alleging Dr. Hamburg conspired to suppress dangers of 'deadly' antibiotic for purposes of personal profit. See here also.

09-17-09 Letter to FDA Deputy Commissionar Sharfstein requesting an investigation into lupron and removal from market

10-29-09 DHHS response

11-17-06: email to Governor-Elect Deval Patrick re: protections for egg donors in ESCR (never answered)

11-02-06: email to Candidate Patrick detailing costs to MA. from IVF harm

10-31-06 email to & 10-30-06 response from Candidate Patrick

10-11-06 email to Candidate Patrick

09-15-06 email to Candidate Deval Patrick (for Governor of MA): "Women get sick FROM ESCR"

06-01-04 Letter to Boston Archbishop O'Malley

12-12-02 Letter to BCBS asking BCBS to investigate its costs associated with lupron - see example of BCBS physican questionnaire for lupron approval

12-20-02 Response from BCBS

08-21-01 FDA response to my legal brief & 08-18-00 letter to US Attorney (Note narrow focus of response, and minimalization of lupron's risks)

07-10-01 Letter to President Bush

10-22-01 Response from White House

8-18-00 Letter to US Attorneys' Office asking the US to investigate the adverse health effects of lupron

4-20-00 Letter to Endometriosis Association: A Plea for help with lupron medicolegal advocacy (never answered)

01-29-00 Letter to FDA

03-24-00 Response from FDA (notice FDA errs when it details when lupron was "first approved" [it was 1985 and not 1990])

05-12-99 Letter to National Women's Health Network (never answered). See NWHN's Nov/Dec 2008 Lupron Cover Story

03-03-99 Letter to Senator Kennedy (cc'd to ALL Senators) asking for investigation into lupron

Senator McCain's Response to 03-03-99 Letter

12-18-97 Response from WHO

6-19-95 Letter to MA. Attorney General

1994: Questions/Answers to/from Judy Norsigian/DHHS about lupron

10-04-94 Letter to FDA

11-23-94 Response from FDA

11-25-94 Letter to Senator Kennedy

10-01-94 Letter to Public Citizen

10-31-94 Response from Public Citizen

02-16-94 Letter to MA Attorney General

03-08-94 Response from MA. Attorney General

3-21-94 Letter to MA Attorney General

04-09-92 Response from FDA

02-26-92 Letter to FDA











The majority of 'DOCUMENTS' and 'LETTERS' to the left pertain to lupron and the field of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) or endometriosis, but other documents address lupron's use in prostate cancer, precocious puberty, as well mentioning other indications (i.e., see 'LupronSUQS'; 'Lupron Victims Hub Open Letter to WHO'; '2005 Public Comment to FDA').

Information regarding the problems within the initial endometriosis clinical trials can be found in my "USA[ttorney] Draft Document". It might also be useful for women to understand the problems the prostate cancer clinical trials faced as well, therefore I would suggest reading the 'male approval' section in this document also.

At present, this page contains mostly my letters, the responses to these letters, and my Massachusetts (MA.) and Congressional testimonies pertaining to the risks of lupron and ART. Beginning in 1992, I attempted to ask questions and bring attention to the various problems involved with this issue. With a few exceptions, most of the responses fail to directly answer the questions, but I'm putting a sampling of these letters and responses in the public domain to illustrate just one woman's attempt to ask these questions. (Perhaps you too have written the same questions to the very same people and agencies that I have?)

My horrendous experience at the hands of the Fertility Industry brought me face to face with a totally unregulated field (no standards, no laws, only minimum guidelines that may or may not be followed), and I became involved in drafting a piece of legislation to correct these problems (MA. House #1833). This bill was opposed by the Fertility Industry and eventually died, but my MA. testimonies (1992 - 1999) are a testament to the learning curve regarding the risks of lupron and ART: in '92 I thought IVF was an "admirable" technology ... but shortly thereafter, I found myself referring to "'endocriminologists".

Other documents on this page are articles, blogs, or comments of mine that have been published (or censored) or are compilations of my research into the risks of lupron/GnRHa's.





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